8 September 1926 - 16:37 IST, November 5th, 2011 ; 

Dr. Hazarika with Mrs. Pandey

June 16, 2008 – 10:17 am

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika and Late Pratima Pandey Baruah singing together the famous Paul Robeson song “We are in the same boat brother”.
[Dibrugarh Kendriya Rangali Bihu Utsav, 2000]

  1. No Responses to “Dr. Hazarika with Mrs. Pandey”

  2. Bhupen Hazarika did more than anyone to internationally popularize “We’re in the Same Boat Brother” by Earl Robinson and E.Y. Harburg, 1944. For information about the song, including its authorship, lyrics, and music, see http://bit.ly/same-boat

    By Sandy Schuman on Feb 5, 2019

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