8 September 1926 - 16:37 IST, November 5th, 2011 ; 

A note form Article Contributor …

July 29, 2008 – 12:08 pm

Dear Administrator:

Congratulations,  and Thank you for your superb job  with the BH page.

A few years ago I happened to bump into an old article by Bhupen’da  himselfin the library of  Sudhakar Bhatt, a retired economist and a neighbor of ours  then in Naples.  Mr. Bhatt  went to school with BH at Columbia Univ, NYC in the early fifties, and reminisces him dearly. The article was in an issue of the Columbia Indian Student journal. My secretary Joyce was moved by the content of new-found piece, and agreed to provide her typing hand. I had it published in one of the issues of ‘Luitor Pora Mississippi’ in the nineties.  If you like, you can post it in the ‘articles’ column of your excellent page.

The second article, Melody Man by  Abhirook Sen, was sent to me by Amy (our daughter). It has also been collecting dust in my ‘My Docs’ folder. I don’t know the source of this piece, but, would like to share it too.

Please contact me if you have question.


Ananta Nath


Ananta Nath, P.E, D.WRE
Chief Engineer
South Florida Water Management District
Big Cypress Basin
2640 Golden Gate Parkway, Suite 205
Naples, FL 34105
239-263-7615 Ext 7607
239-229-0238 (Mobile)
Fax: 239-263-8166

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