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Dr Bhupen Hazarika’s statue unveiled

February 15, 2009 – 10:28 am

Dr Bhupen Hazarika’s statue unveiled
Bhupen Hazarika Statue
GUWAHATI, Feb 14 – Thousands of people turned out in Guwahati today to have a glimpse of Assam’s cultural icon Dr Bhupen Hazarika as he made his appearance near Dighalipukhuri to unveil his statue on the bank of the historic tank. The statue, by famous sculptor of the State, Biren Sinha, was established at the initiative of the All Assam Students’ Union (AASU) to mark the love, respect and gratitude of the people of Assam to the living legend, and prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke award winner.

An overwhelmed Dr Hazarika looked in good health at the function. He thanked the huge gathering and people of Assam in general for showering their love on him. As he hummed a few lines from his epoch-making songs, including Manuhe Manuhar Babe, jodihe akanu nebhabe…, many in the crowd could not help singing along.

He was all praise for sculptor Sinha, who according to him, has portrayed his personality in a right way through the fibre glass statue.

“Dr Bhupen Hazarika is not only the beloved singer of Assam, but is also the flag bearer of Assamese society and culture. Through this initiative the AASU has just tried to thank him for his immense contributions,” said AASU advisor Dr Samujjal Bhattacharya. “It is for the first time that a living legend has unveiled his statue. The people of Assam are proud to have him and he will continue to inspire the younger generations,” he added.

It may be noted that the students’ body has established a statue of the legendary Goalpariya folk singer Pratima Barua Pandey at Chandmari earlier.

A sea of people, men and women, young and old waited by the sides of the road from Chandmari Nizarapar to Dighalipukhuri. Dr Hazarika was brought to the venue in a colourful cultural procession of traditionally attired youth and decorated elephants as thousands of students from various schools lined up on the road sprinkling flowers on Dr Hazarika’s caravan.

For Biren Sinha, it was an experience to cherish for lifetime. “He (Bhupen Hazarika) is my most revered artiste and his life and works has always inspired me. Bhupenda’s appreciation of my work has come as a blessing today, as I was very nervous doing this project,” he said.

The AASU has also organized a felicitation programme tomorrow at Latasil playground.

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