8 September 1926 - 16:37 IST, November 5th, 2011 ; 

Condolences to Hemen P. Barooah’s family.

August 1, 2013 – 3:11 pm

On behalf of the Board Members of The Bhupen Hazarika Foundation we express our deepest condolences to Hemen Prasad Barooah’s family and close associates for the loss of their revered and loved one.

Hemen Prasad Barooah, ‘Hemen Da’ will be missed. He was always gentle and sympathetic beyond compare. He was the epitome of grace and style, modern Assamese style. It was no wonder he was so close to my father. May his spirit live on and grow among the living— like that of all other great souls.


  1. One Response to “Condolences to Hemen P. Barooah’s family.”

  2. Thanks! Means a lot to us.

    By Pronit Kakati on Nov 8, 2014

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