8 September 1926 - 16:37 IST, November 5th, 2011 ; 

Manuhe Manuhar Babe

June 16, 2008 – 10:13 am

A classic by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, composed in 1964. Uploaded by Luit Chaliha.Manuhe Manuhar Babe, composed in 1964. It renders thus:If man wouldn’t think for manWith a little sympathyTell me who will — comrade?It we try to buyOr sell humanityWon’t we be wrong — comrade?If the weakTide across the rapids of lifeWith your helpWhat do you stand to lose?If man does not become manA demon never willIf a demon turns more humanWhom shall it shame more —comrade?

  1. One Response to “Manuhe Manuhar Babe”

  2. Bhupen hajorika my heart

    By ANOWAR HUSSAIN on Jan 23, 2015

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